Potting Instructions

Carnivorous Plants require a nutrient deficient substrate to thrive. Do NOT “garden” or “potting soil,” as it contains too many organic compounds and/or added fertilizers. The preferred media for most carnivorous plantss consist of live sphagnum moss, dried long-fiber sphagnum moss, peat moss, perlitte, pumice, and/or 100% silica sand.

Nepenthes (Tropical Pitcher Plants)

  • Prepare the pot by placing the dried LFS (long fiber sphagnum moss) at the bottom, pressing it down slightly, and then fill with the provided substrate mix.
  • Then, place a small amount of the substrate mix into the pot (leave about ½ of it “empty” for now)
  • Next, take the substrate (slightly damp, but not wet!) and gently “wrap” the plant roots, forming a bundle in your handle with the plant in the center. Do NOT squeeze it tight or compact it too much. Just enough to hold it together long enough to place it into the pot. You want to put it in firmly, but do not “push down” too much.
  • And you’re done!
    • Top-water your plant thoroughly until water drains from the bottom.
Nepenthes (Tropical Pitcher Plants)

  • Prepare the pot by placing the dried LFS (long fiber sphagnum moss) at the bottom, pressing it down slightly, and then fill with the provided substrate mix.
  • Then, place a small amount of the substrate mix into the pot (leave about ½ of it “empty” for now)
  • Next, take the substrate (slightly damp, but not wet!) and gently “wrap” the plant roots, forming a bundle in your handle with the plant in the center. Do NOT squeeze it tight or compact it too much. Just enough to hold it together long enough to place it into the pot. You want to put it in firmly, but do not “push down” too much.
  • And you’re done!
    • Top-water your plant thoroughly until water drains from the bottom.
Sarracenia (North American Pitcher Plants)

  • Prepare the pot by placing the dried LFS (long fiber sphagnum moss) at the bottom, pressing it down slightly, and then fill with the provided substrate mix.
  • Then, form a hole in the substrate that is deep enough for the plant to sit level with the new media.
  • Place your plant in the newly prepared pot, and gently “squeeze” the sides to cause the substrate to fall into place. Gently compress the surface of the media to make it level and ensure there is no gaps.
  • And you’re done!
    • You can now top-water the plant (Do this SLOWLY and multiple times, as the substrate will initially float very easily and can get messy) or water using the tray method (but note that you may have to top off the tray at least once before it reaches it’s “ideal moisture” level).
Dionaea Muscipula (Venus Flytraps)

  • Prepare the pot by placing the dried LFS (long fiber sphagnum moss) at the bottom, pressing it down slightly, and then fill with the provided substrate mix.
  • Then, form a hole in the substrate that is deep enough for the plant to sit level with the new media.
  • Place your plant in the newly prepared pot, and gently “squeeze” the sides to cause the substrate to fall into place. Gently compress the surface of the media to make it level and ensure there is no gaps.
  • And you’re done!
    • You can now top-water the plant (Do this SLOWLY and multiple times, as the substrate will initially float very easily and can get messy) or water using the tray method (but note that you may have to top off the tray at least once before it reaches it’s “ideal moisture” level).
Drosera (Sundews)

  • Prepare the pot by placing the dried LFS (long fiber sphagnum moss) at the bottom, pressing it down slightly, and then fill with the provided substrate mix.
  • Then, form a hole in the substrate that is deep enough for the plant to sit level with the new media.
  • Place your plant in the newly prepared pot, and gently “squeeze” the sides to cause the substrate to fall into place. Gently compress the surface of the media to make it level and ensure there is no gaps.
  • And you’re done!
    • You can now top-water the plant (Do this SLOWLY and multiple times, as the substrate will initially float very easily and can get messy) or water using the tray method (but note that you may have to top off the tray at least once before it reaches it’s “ideal moisture” level).